Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Welcome to his delusion.

I wonder when George W. Tumbleweed entered the realm of the clinically delusional.

To be honest, I think it may have been years before his presidency, since all evidence suggests, to me at least, that Bush has always believed, as the worst sort of spoiled rich brat always does, that the good things that happen around him are either his own doing or proof that God favors him.

In any case, it's impossible to argue, anymore, if it ever was, that the leader of the free world even lives within shouting distance of reality:

A day after the Government Accountability Office reported that the Iraqis have met just three of 18 benchmarks they had agreed to meet, George W. Bush offered a slightly rosier assessment of the war during his visit to Australia today. Asked by Deputy Prime Minister Mark Vaile to say how things are going in Iraq, the president of the United States declared: "We're kicking ass."

"We're kicking ass." He actually said this. About Iraq.

Words fail me. And yet, it gets worse.

Bush publicly admitted in 2004, a year and a half after invading and occupying Iraq to find those WMDs everybody knew were there, that, oops, no they weren't. Why did it take him so long to realize there were no weapons? Turns out he still hasn't realized it, or at least hadn't in 2006:

Though it was not the sort of thing one could say publicly anymore, the president still believed that Saddam had possessed weapons of mass destruction. He repeated this conviction to Andy Card all the way up until Card’s departure in April 2006, almost exactly three years after the Coalition had begun its fruitless search for WMDs.

Remember how the media insisted for so long that Bush was a "pleasant, down-to-earth guy who would not rock the boat"?

And how we should make him president, because Al Gore is boring and sighs and wears earth tones, and John Kerry windsurfs and orders the wrong kind of cheese and "looks French"?

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